Stay Strong and Prosper

I’ve been working out consistently about four times a week for the last ten years. These days I do yoga three times a week and lift weights three times a week. After years of just working out in the gym, I find that yoga and weight lifting are a perfect compliment to each other.

Everyone knows that being active has lots of health benefits and can make you more productive in general. The benefits go much deeper than that though. Working out builds character and trains you to be a better entrepreneur.

Whatever you endeavor to do, it’s likely you’ll encounter some challenges along the way. Elon Musk, quite possibly one of the greatest entrepreneurs alive today, says that “being an entrepreneur is like eating glass and staring into the abyss of death.” Overcoming the impossible is part of the entrepreneurial job description.

When you struggle with a physical challenge you have an opportunity to rise above your limitations and focus your mind. Whether you’re squatting 225 lbs, maintaining a warrior 3 yoga pose, or just trying to get yourself out of bed to go to the gym, pushing through those obstacles on a regular basis teaches you discipline and helps your train your resolve. You clear your head and accomplish something positive and tangible every day – even when the rest of your life may be ambiguous and crazy.

Every time I want to quit a workout I think to my work life goals and question whether I’d give them up as easily. I use the same psychology the other way around as well. Every time I feel overwhelmed and just want to give up, I think back to some of the grueling workouts I’ve pushed myself though and realize that nothing can stop me. Stay strong and prosper.